How To Sleep Comfortably In A Chair?

Ways to sleep comfortably in a chair, The most common way to sit comfortably in a chair is, by evaluating the feet. You can use a stool or chair to evaluate the feet and put a pillow under the feet.

Maintaining the posture doesn’t end here. Unless you give support to your back, arms, and neck, you can’t stay comfortable the whole night in your chair.

It’s a very surprising question how can a person even sleep in a chair? Because we all love to sleep in a bed, that’s what makes a comfortable sleep. But if you try out some particular steps, sleeping in a chair is going to be comfortable indeed.

In this article, we will discuss the steps that will make a person comfortable sleeping in a chair. Without making any further delay let’s get to the topic.

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How To Sleep Comfortably In A Chair?

how to sleep comfortably in a chair

There are lots of reasons why we may be required to sleep in a chair. Some reasons can be medical and some can be because of staying in the workplace. Medical reasons can be temporary or chronic.

For example- you are having allergy or sore in the nose. That time, you may feel uncomfortable sitting by lying. Or you may have surgery that does not allow you to sleep by lying in the bed.

In that case, you would want to sleep in a chair. On the other hand, some people have to stay in their workplace the whole day long which makes them sleep in a chair.

We all know, a human body can’t sleep peacefully without lying. So it’s questionable how can we sit comfortably in a chair.

All you need is a recliner chair. This provides ample support to the body. Other than that, if you follow some steps, sleeping on your chair won’t bother you at all.

Have a look below:

Find The Right Chair:

It would be best if your chair has high arms and backs. This will give good support to your back and neck and let you sleep in peace. Another best thing would be a chair with ample room so the user can switch positions often.

Evaluate The Feet:

Keeping the feet on the floor won’t be so relaxing to sleep. You can use a chair, stool, or an ottoman. Thus, your legs will remain elevated and safe from cramps. Blood clots can occur if you can’t elevate your legs.

In that case, wear compression socks to promote good blood circulation. A pillow under the feet will give you extra support.

Use A Pillow:

All chairs can’t slant backward. So use a pillow that can give you support in your bag and legs. A U-shaped pillow would be the best. It will give support to your neck as well.

If you don’t have such a pillow, you can roll a towel or sweatshirt to give your neck good support. Once the REM starts, you will get a comfortable sleep for sure.

Use A Blanket:

Since we want to stay warm during the whole night, gather blankets for it. Large blankets would be suitable, they will cover your entire body easily.

Well, how long the blanket should be, depends on the temperature of the room. I think a long blanket can help you to survive in any temperature. This will prevent your legs, body, and shoulders from drafts.

Go With A Loose-Fitting Cloth:

Take your all accessories and shoes out before sleeping. Like- ties, belts, watches, etc. Then you must wear loose-fitting clothes to prevent any disturbance while sleeping. Wearing a pajama would be good.

Get Clean:

It’s important to brush your teeth and wash your face before going to sleep, even if it is in a chair. If possible, take a hot shower. This will raise the temperature in your body and relax you.

Make The Room Dark:

When the room goes into a nightie atmosphere, anyone would love to fall asleep. So just close the curtains and turn the lights off.

There are closed drapes available that can protect you from the sun’s exposure. It is also better not to use any electronic devices before sleeping. Because the rays from the electronic screens keep the brain awake.

Street noises can bother you while sleeping. You can use earplugs or eye masks to avoid them.

Drink Milk or Herbal Tea:

The more your body stays dehydrated, the more it will be difficult for you to sleep. Drinking warm milk or herbal tea can help you to stay hydrated before going to sleep.

Milk is a dairy product. And we know dairy products have the amino acid tryptophan which prepares the brain for sleep. Again, you will get the sedative effects from valerian teas and passion flower teas.

Try Out The Breathing Technique:

A controlled breathing technique can clear your mind. The more you get oxygen, the more your nervous system will get the natural tranquilizer.

The breathing process is very easy. First, exhale completely and close your mouth. Make sure you have exhaled through your mouth. And after closing, inhale through your nose. Take about 4 seconds to inhale. Then hold your breath and wait for seven seconds.

After you are done, exhale with your mouth. Take about 8 seconds to exhale this time. You have to repeat the steps a couple of times. Try to relax all the muscles so that you can sleep on your chair peacefully.

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Arrange Pillows To Sit Upright?

To sleep upright, keep your pillows in between your two legs. And make sure you have chosen the correct pillow. The pillow must provide support to the head. Also, don’t leave any pressure sores, and place the pillow on your back.

How To Sleep on An Office Chair?

You can easily sleep on an office chair by elevating your feet. Use a chair, stool, or an ottoman to keep the legs. Again, a pillow under the legs can provide you with additional support.

If elevating the legs is not possible use a wears compression socks on your feet.

How To Sleep on A Desk Comfortably?

To sit on a desk seat, fold your arms around your chest. Again, leaning backward can make you more comfortable. By trying out this position, you can take off the pressure from your back. Using a pillow would be good to protect the curve of your spine.

How To Sleep In A Gaming Chair?

Sleeping in a gaming chair can be peaceful if you lay your back. Again, keeping your arms on the armrests is more relaxing. If you think you need to adjust the chair to have a comfortable posture, do it.

Is It Fine To Sleep In A Chair?

If the chair is reclining, then there is no problem sleeping in a chair. Just make sure you don’t spend too long time sleeping in the chair. That can lead to blood clots and thrombosis in the veins.


So this was all about the sitting posture a person needs to sleep in a chair. Not all of us know how to sleep comfortably in a chair. But if you give support to the necessary areas of your body, like- the arms, back, neck, and legs, you will surely have a peaceful sleep in your chair.

Just make sure you have tried out all the prescribed steps above. Especially, opting for a long blanket, wearing loose cloth, and getting clean.

Try to relax your brain and muscles as much as possible. Because an active brain and muscles can’t fall asleep easily. Hopefully, the above concept could give you an oriented distinction. Let us know through the comment section below if you have any queries.

Thank you.

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