Is The Electric Chair Humane?

Is the electric chair humane? Well, the electric chair is considered a cruel punishment for prisoners. Indeed, the inmate cannot feel anything as he will become unconscious immediately after getting the electric shock.

His immediate will only occur if the entire setup of the execution is done properly. Or else, he will survive and go through the pain.

The time between turning on the switch and the death of the criminal is the feeling of extreme pain. You can’t even imagine how painful it is. That’s why the punishment of electrocution is known as a cruel punishment.

On the flipping side, it is considered a humane way to punish as well. Because when the setup is done properly, it’s going to be a painless execution.

In this article, we will discuss whether the electric chair is a humane method of punishment or not.

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Is The Electric Chair Humane? (Read To Know)

The First Execution of The Electric Chair:

The electric chair was first used in New York in 1890 as a means of humane execution. Whereas, hanging the criminal to death was considered the most crucial and brutal punishment.

The Victim Feels No Pain:

Well, the electric current that the electric chair delivers, makes any person unconscious immediately.

As a result, the victim gets no time to feel the pain. This is the reason why the electric chair is considered a humane punishment.

Performed By Delivering Electric Voltage:

We know, electrocution is the capital punishment sentence for criminals.

It is performed by delivering electric voltage to the entire body, starting from head to toe. Before the volts are initiated, the inmate will be shaved in his head to get the robust volts.

Electric Current Overwhelms The Brain:

After the victim receives the voltage, his body will have a continual flow of current. It can be AC or DC.

However, the electric current flows in the brain differently. The human brain operates within very tiny electric flow currents. This goes from the brain’s one neuron to another.

However, the electric current overwhelms the brain in such a way that the brain leads to destruction and the person becomes unconscious immediately.

The brain holds lots of connections. They are known as synapses. Those synapses get destroyed after the attempt like the fuses are burning. At the same time, the victim will feel no pain in his brain nerves.

So, we can say that he does not feel anything, thus it’s not a brutal punishment. The electric shocks that he will get will be the attempt for some microseconds.

The Current Leaves Effect On The Body:

Anyway, the current that goes inside the body, leaves some effects. Like contracting the lungs, twitching the muscles, and so on.

In such situations, will writhe and escape the pain at his best. It seems like the organs in the body are being cooked and the eyeballs are melting down. Besides, the skin will dry out and may even burst into flames.

You see that the victim is either moaning or groaning in pain as their blood boils terribly. It’s a very misleading type of death because the victim is almost cooked alive.

This Leads To Ultimate Death:

However, the electric current goes through the victim’s body which makes him completely brain-dead.

Although his body transpires grotesque effects, his body does not feel any pain because of the quick and ultimate death. Thus, the inmate will be hardly aware of what’s happening to him.

Death in an electric chair occurs instantly if the setup is done perfectly. So we can say that properly handled electrocution is a humane way to kill a prisoner.

All in all, the appliance of electric current towards the brain and head is quick. That’s the reason we call the process of electrocution a humane method of punishment.

Current Flows In The Body:

In previous times, a guillotine was used. Because it makes the electrocution more painless. A high-voltage cable can make death horrible. It will flow up the current towards the arms and lower body.

In such cases, electrocution won’t be humane at all. Only if the prosecution is done properly, then the electrocution will be a humane punishment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do They Cover Your Face In The Electric Chair?

When a person is being electrocuted, his face is generally covered in the electric chair. It’s because the eyeballs of the inmate pop out since his body swells after being electrocuted.

Besides, the temperature from the chair can melt the eyes easily. That’s why his eyes are also taped at that time.

Is The Electric Chair Painful?

An electric chair is painful for a person. Although the inmate will die instantly after the attempt, the process is always painful.

Has Anyone Survived The Electric Chair?

Yes, it has happened in history that the inmate could survive the electric chair. If you see, in 1946, Francis was executed in the electric chair. And we know that a proper setup of electrocution will kill a person immediately. But the set of Francis’s execution was not proper.

For this reason, he was shocked, yet survived the electrocution.

Do They Still Use The Electric Chair?

In 2022, there are still some states where electrocution is used as an option of punishment. Such as Tennessee, Kentucky, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, and so on.

For How Long Can A Person Last In An Electric Chair?

Generally, an electrocution process uses a high voltage of electric currents. To initiate the process, the executioner will attach electrodes to the inmate’s head and legs.

This electrocution will last for 2 minutes. And these 2 minutes are enough to kill the person with a powerful shock.


Hopefully, the above concept could help you know if the electric chair is humane or not. Yet, if you have the question- Is the electric chair humane? The answer is yes. It’s quite a humane method of execution than hanging to death.

In fact, in New York, the method of electrocution has been implemented because they think that an electric chair is painless rather than hanging to death.

We already know that electric shocks lead to quick brain death. In this case, before the inmate can feel any pain, he leads to death.

We don’t consider the electric chair a humane method though it leads to immediate death. If there was any mistake in the setup, the victim won’t die, and that’s going to be a horrible pain for the victim.

So this is all. Let us know if you have any queries. Thank you.

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