How Long Does Office Chair Last?

How long does an office chair last? The most common span for the durability of an office chair is seven to eight years. However, sometimes office chairs do last over 10 years and sometimes less than 3 years. It’s because two things depend on a chair.

One is quality, and another is the type of usability. If the quality is good, the chair is going to last for a long time, if the chair is used 24/7 maybe it won’t last that long.

Besides, the price of your chair is going to decide the longevity as well. Cheap office chairs usually last for less time and expensive office chairs last for a long time.

In this article, we will discuss an office chair’s durability, what can increase its durability, and what can decrease its durability.

Let’s not make any further delay and jump to the topic straight.

How Long Does Office Chair Last?

As said before, an office chair will last for seven to eight years on average. Yet, there are several reasons to increase or decrease their durability. Have a look below to know more.

Depending On Factors For A Chair’s Durability:

Well, the longevity of a chair depends on its quality and type of use. The same goes for an office chair.

If the chair is used too much and every day, of course, its span is going to be reduced. Whether it’s an internet special chair of $19.99 or a super ergo deluxe designer chair of $1,000+, all of them depend on quality to get their longevity.

However, in most offices, we see the maximum of chairs covers $200-600.

Pricing Factors:

If your office chair is cheap, it’s going to last for some months. Maybe 6 months. Or luckily for a year. A mid-range chair will last for some years. Whereas, the high-end chairs last for several years, maybe a decade. Some Aeron chairs even lasted for 15 years.

All high-quality office chairs will last for 3 to 5 years if used regularly. Besides, the person’s weight who would sit on the chair is a notable factor too.

Replacing Time of An Office Chair:

Coming to the point, an office chair shall last for 7 to 8 years. It’s the recommended duration to replace the chair. But if you see any sign of wear and tear in your chair before this period, you better replace your chair at that time.

Usability of The Chair:

As said before, how much you use your chair is also going to decide its longevity. You can see some departments in an office where employees are required to sit on the office chair for the whole day long since their task is like that.

Again, the workers in 911 call centers also need to keep working on sitting on the chair 24/7. It means those office chairs are almost in operation every single time. Thus, their longevity is also going to be less.

The most common reason why an office chair won’t last longer is when there are any problems with the reclining mechanism or height adjustment pistons. If your chair was about to last for 5 years, it would last for 3 years if such issues arise in the chair.

The Durability of A Leather Office Chair:

Leather chairs are one of the most durable chairs. Most office chairs are leather chairs. But they are prone to cracks through and become uncomfortable day by day.

Even though the average longevity of a leather chair is 10 years, you can increase the span. Just try using the oils and creams that make the materials of leather chairs more malleable.

The Durability of A Mesh Office Chair:

Durability of A Mesh Office Chair

Mesh chairs are less durable. As they are mid-level chairs, they can last for 5+ years, luckily it can be a decade.

The main reason why a mesh chair doesn’t last like leather chairs is it tears and sags fast. When the material gets sagged, it will affect the comfort of the chair.

Well, increasing the longevity of a mesh office chair than its average longevity is possible if you clean it frequently. You can take the help of wipes to clean it. Taking care of the wheels and levers can also save your chair at its best.

The Durability of A Mesh Office Chair:

Fabric office chairs are a great option for their durability. Even if you use it regularly, this chair is going to maintain its longevity for a long period.

Maybe for 10 years. But the look of a fabric office chair does not remain lavish for a long time. Upholstered fabric in office chairs tends to get torn easily.

So make sure the fabric in the chair is of good quality. However, vacuuming and wiping the chair often can accelerate the lifespan of a fabric office chair.

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Know If An Office Hair is worn out?

When your office chair gets worn out, you will find it harder to push and roll across the floor. You see that the wheels of the chair are not responding at all. The levers, knobs, and armrests also cannot operate smoothly.

How Often Should You Replace Your Office Chair?

A general office chair should last for about 5 to 10 years. It’s the period of the chair’s well-being before it needs any replacement. However, a chair’s durability depends on several factors as mentioned above.

How To Extend The Lifespan of A Chair?

Here are some tips below to extend the lifespan of a chair:

  • Choose a chair with an upholstery tag
  • Do a vacuum cleaning frequently
  • Clean the upholstery
  • Castors should be lubricated every time
  • Change the gas cylinder often
  • Don’t the chair under direct sunlight

How Much Money Should You Spend On An Office Chair?

The price of an office chair can be very low or even very high, i.e. $50 to $200. Anyway, a high-quality office chair can cost you between $250 to $750. Well, a cheap office chair won’t give you the desired results.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, the above concept could give you an oriented distinction about the office chair’s durability. Yet, if you have the question- How long does an office chair last? The answer is 7 to 8 years. In some cases, it can be 5 years to 10 years.

Besides, the quality and type of use are also going to vary the longevity of the chair. Another important factor that we missed is maintenance.

If you keep your office chair well-maintained, it will surely last longer than it should have. So keep that in mind, and take good care of your office chair. So this is all. Let us know through the comment section below if you have any queries. Thank you.

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