Can Sitting On A Hard Chair Cause Hemorrhoids?

Can sitting on a hard chair cause hemorrhoids? Well, yes. Sitting on a hard chair puts more pressure than on a soft chair. It blocks blood flow in the anus area and pushes the veins downward.

Intense pressure can generate new hemorrhoids and stretch the areas around the rectum. As a result, the veins of the buttocks swell.

Pressure not only comes from sitting on a hard chair, a mother carrying a child, or a person suffering constipation frequently strains are also a reason to cause hemorrhoids. Again, lack of activity and exercise, or not having a proper diet also leads to such problems.

In this article, we are going to discuss hemorrhoids, why they occur, how they occur, and how they can be prevented.

So let’s not make any further delay and get to the topic straight.

Keep reading!

What Is Hemorrhoid?

Hemorrhoids are nothing but weakened and dilated veins. When a person sits for hours and hours, he is lacking any sort of activity. This leads to indigestion and the feeling of severity occurs.

It filled the anus inside the rectum with blood vessels. The veins in those blood vessels may get swollen. If one or more than one vein gets swollen, this is known as a hemorrhoid.

Hemorrhoids occur when excessive pressure is pushed toward the lower rectum. This can make the veins stretch and inflame the blood vessels.

Pressure in the rectum may come because of sitting on a hard chair, in time of conceiving a baby, straining the bowel movement while sitting in a toilet chair, sitting for too long, and so on.

Can Sit On A Hard Chair Cause Hemorrhoids? (Yes, Read To Know)

Sitting For A Long Time Causes Hemorrhoids:

It’s not just that sitting on a hard chair can cause hemorrhoids. Sitting for a long time can also lead to this problem.

Besides, you may suffer from blockage of blood flow, chronic diseases, heart diseases, etc. That’s why all health experts and physicians recommend their patients take frequent breaks when they work by sitting.

Intense Pressure Causes Hemorrhoids:

Hemorrhoids occur due to the intense pressure that comes from prolonged sitting.

If you have even a little bit of hemorrhoids, that will surely aggravate you by sitting for a long time. And of course, new hemorrhoids will take place due to sitting too much if the person doesn’t have any existing ones. In short, it will trigger the condition.

Veins Go Down While Sitting:

Sitting for a long time again pools out the trapped blood surrounding the anus. When we sit for a long time, the veins are pushed downward. In some occupations, the employees need to sit the whole day long in a chair.

This can lead to inflammation in the buttock, especially if the chair is hard.

Straining Bowel Movement Leads To Hemorrhoids:

Hemorrhoids can not only occur by sitting on a hard chair but also occur when we strain in our bowel movements.

Other hard surfaces like cement and rocks can put undue pressure on the anus. And sitting in such an uncomfortable situation for a long time is responsible for having hemorrhoids.

Exerted Pressure Stretches Out The Rectal And Anal Areas:

When we sit, especially on a hard chair, pressure is created on the buttock’s gluteal muscles.

However, when pressure is exerted, the muscles in the buttock tend to stretch and spread out. The rectal and anal areas also get stretched which leads to the loosing of elasticity in the rectum. Since the veins in that area are very delicate, they swell up because of the pressure.

Hemorrhoids Can Get More Painful:

Your Hemorrhoids can get more painful when you sit as opposed to lying down or standing.

You can also feel this pain more during your bowel movement when you sit on a toilet chair. Sometimes, a blood clot can form which makes the hemorrhoids worse than before.

Sitting For A Long Time Disturbs Blood Flow:

If we see from the other side, sitting on a hard surface for a long period can reduce the blood flow in the anus area. Or it may even block the blood flow.

So sitting on a hard surface can lead to disturbed blood flow, not only hemorrhoids. Whenever you sit on a hard surface, try getting out after every 5 minutes. Also, try not to sit on your toilet chair for more than 5 minutes.

Curing The Hemorrhoids:

Well, sitting on a hard chair or a toilet seat for a long time is the most common cause we have seen to generate hemorrhoids.

So it’s better to sit on a soft chair or a ring of firm-ish foam. Again, this disease can be cured by drinking a good amount of water and fruits.

We also know that straining in a toilet chair while constipation is also a reason for hemorrhoids. So try to eat 25 to 30 grams of fiber daily so that you can have a smooth bowel movement.

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Sit on A Chair To Avoid Hemorrhoids?

It’s better to sit in a squatting position. Sitting in such a way will let your stool pass easily, and thus you won’t have to strain for bowel movements. And we know straining during bowel movements leads to hemorrhoids.

Another best way to sit is, to lift your legs and put a bench under your feet.

Can Office Chairs Cause Hemorrhoids?

Yes, sitting on an office chair for a prolonged time can cause hemorrhoids. But if the chair is soft and puts less pressure on your buttocks, maybe you can escape the risk of having hemorrhoids.

Yet, getting some breaks in the middle, and stretching a bit is necessary. This will make you energetic and improve blood flow.

What Can Make Hemorrhoids Flare Up?

Most often, hemorrhoid in the lower rectum tends to flare up when we strain during our bowel movements. Again, sitting a long time in a chair or toilet when we have diarrhea or constipation can make the hemorrhoids even worse.

Can Sitting Cause Hemorrhoids Bleed?

It has been seen that hemorrhoids bleed when people strain during their bowel movement. Sitting on a hard surface or a toilet chair for a long time is a valid reason for it.

You should not even stand for a long time. Because gravity will always pull you down which will give a pressure. Lifting heavy items or the time of pregnancy creates hemorrhoids and causes bleeding in them.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, the above concept could make you clear about the problem of hemorrhoids. Yet, if you have the question- Can sitting on a hard chair cause hemorrhoids?

The answer is yes. Sitting on any type of hard surface, like- a hard chair, toilet chair, cement, rock, floor, etc is responsible for having hemorrhoids.

This chronic issue suffers the anal areas in the rectum. It makes the veins much weaker which swell up. The pain gets worse when we still sit on a hard surface, strain in the toilet chairs, or sit in an uncomfortable position for a long time.

As a suggestion, I would say, increase the intake of fiber, sit on soft surfaces, use a cushion on chairs, or use a “doughnut” ring. The ring shouldn’t be made of hard materials.

So this is all. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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